Suck It White Boy!

Patrick Killpatrick Strong
1 min readAug 14, 2021

I may be reading this wrong, as I’m only catching bits of it as I pass by to take the dogs out to pee, make coffee, and breakfast, but the plot to this Hallmark Channel movie my mom is watching seems to be “What will the rich white school’s basketball team do when the closing of a nearby steel mill takes away all of their talented black students, and the coach is left with a bunch of lame ass white boys to keep their numbers up?” I almost want to stay out in the den and see how they deal with the plot line. Will the white boys, through their coach, triumph over the adversity of losing their slave labor, or will the poor school from the inner city stomp them relentlessly giving them all PTSD flashes for life that include summer sausage sized dicks hitting them in the face through basketball shorts during jump shots, big afros, and gold teeth laughing at their insignificant punk asses? Oh Hallmark Channel, you can’t even help or see the level of your whiteness.

